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Journal of Festival Culture Inquiry and Analysis welcomes book reviews.​

ISSN 2752-633X (Print)  ISSN 2752-6348 (Online)


for the Journal of Festival Culture Inquiry and Analysis


We accept original scholarly research prepared in a style that is readable and clear and based on unpublished research. Research should focus on, address and inform festivals, celebrations and leisure through, for example, a cultural, social, political, philosophical or historical lens. If you are submitting a written piece, you are required to submit a (500-word) abstract, along with a (150-word) bio. To make it easy to understand and follow, it should also be organised logically with sections, headings, and subheadings. 


Submitting your abstracts and articles is as easy as clicking the submission button.


Thoroughly review the following guidelines. 

It is critical that you ensure your submission has not been published previously or is not being considered by another journal. 


The submission should adhere to the journal guidelines, otherwise, it will be returned to you for revision. 


A method, a methodology, and any other technical aspects should be included in empirical research. Full articles (call for papers) should be 5,000 words excluding references and footnotes. Please note that we use Microsoft Word and we ask all contributors to use the same software to prepare their written work.


Written work should be prepared using the following structure: 

  • Name(s) 

  • Title 

  • Institution (please put contact details at the top of the page) 

  • Abstract (500 words) 

  • Keywords (no more than eight) 

  • Main text 

  • Acknowledgments 

  • References 

  • Appendices 

  • Tables


Transcribing and Translating 

In order to capture the essence of a speaker, transcription and translation must be done with precision. As a result, we ask that you do not change or add words to the transcription or translation of the speaker's words, grammar, content, patterns, or intent. 






JFCIA publishes its bibliographies according to the Modern Humanities Research Association (MHRA)​ Style Guide. 


  • Number the pages sequentially throughout the article, and include them at the bottom right of each page.

  • Throughout your article, you need to use consistent British spelling for colour, labour, and organise.

  • The use of new lines for every new sentence should be avoided.



  • A reasonable paragraph length

  • Subheadings are the only places where extra space is allowed

  • There should be no extra spacing between paragraphs

  • If you want to change the subject without a subhead, continue on a new line

  • For paragraph beginnings and block quotes, the text should be indented 1/2".



  • Use Times or Times New Roman,

  • 12 points,

  • Double-spaced,

  • Left-justified text. 



  • Include a bibliography at the end of your paper that is arranged alphabetically,

  • Make sure to use hanging indents (after the first line, indents should be applied),

  • Your cited sources should be listed in a bibliography,

  • double-spaced on its own page,

  • without full stops at the end.



Edited Book

Abrahams, Roger, ‘An American Vocabulary of Celebrations’, in Time out of Time: Essays on the       

             Festival, ed. by Alessandro Falassi, (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1987), pp.                   195- 203


Book with one author

Bakhtin, Mikhail, Rabelais and His World, trans. by Hélene Iswolsky (Bloomington: Indiana University                  Press, [1968]1984)


Book with two authors

Brady, Sara and Fintan Walsh, Crossroads: Performance Studies and Irish Culture, (Basingstoke:                           Palgrave Macmillan, 2009)



Kitchener, Pan in Danger [download track] (YouTube, 9 April 2022)


Chapter /Section in an edited book

Nic Craith, Máiréad, Ullrich  Kockel and Katherine Lloyd, ‘The Convention for the Safeguarding of the                 Intangible Cultural Heritage: Absentees, Objections and Assertions’, in Safeguarding Intangible               Heritage: Practice and Politics, ed. by Laura Jane Smith, and Natsuko Akagawa, (Abingdon:                       Routledge, 2019)



Hanging Indent

You must align the first line of each reference entry flush with the left margin and indent

each subsequent line with a hanging indent. Here's how to create a hanging indent in Microsoft Word.


Gabbert, Lisa, Winter Carnival in a Western Town; Identity, Change, and the Good of the                    

             Community, (Logan: Utah State University Press, 2011)

———, ‘American Festival and Folk Drama’, in Handbook of American Folklore and Folklife, ed. by                        Simon Bronner, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019), pp. 277-297



'Power, Empowerment and Disempowerment', Journal of Festival Culture Inquiry and Analysis, 1.1,                      (2022), 1-224


Regis, Louis, ‘Rawle Gibbons and the Theory and Practice of the Third Theatre’, Caribbean Quarterly,                63, 2-3, (2017), 183-202



Highly, Leslie, ‘Caribbean Festival: Puerto Rico to Play Host To Inter-Island Exhibit’, 

            New York Times, 15 April 1951, p.255



Gorsedh Kernow, The Cornish Gorsedd of the Bards (2019), <>

             [accessed 6 May 2021]


Davy, Bandele Agyemang, ‘Kumina in Rural South Eastern Jamaica: Beyond Resistance to

           Antithetical-Hegemonic-Subsumption,’ Journal of Pan African Studies 11. 7, (2018),       

           <> [accessed 12 September 2022]




First citation:

Whenever you are citing a work for the first time, you must include the source in your footnote, and any footnote should end with a full stop. 

Footnote number. Author First Name Surname, Title (Place: Publisher, Year), p. 00.



Ben Highmore, Culture: Key Ideas in Cultural Studies (New York: Routledge, 2015), p. 10. 


Subsequent citations:

If you refer to the same author in the future, use the abbreviated form, Author, and page number(s). The following examples show you how to shorten the title and distinguish between different works by the same author if you're referring to several works authored by the same author.


Footnote number, Author's surname, p. 00.



Highmore, p. 23.



is derived from the Latin ibidem and means 'in the same place'. 

For footnotes containing more than two consecutive citations,

use ibid to shorten them.



1. Ben Highmore, Culture: Key Ideas in Cultural Studies (New York: Routledge, 2015), p. 10. 

2. Ibid., p. 16

3. Ibid., p. 18






Photographic/Illustrative Essays

Your photographic/illustrative submission should introduce readers to the wonderful world of festivals, celebrations, and leisure with academic rigor. In addition to demonstrating your adept knowledge of the particular area you are studying, your photography should be your own, unpublished, and properly cited.


Your captions and text should describe, explain, and complement your images. 



  • Please note that JFCIA will not be able to use the art without permission or clear evidence that the work is in the public domain.


  • Do not assume any images you find on the web are public domain, and make sure all permissions are acquired before using any web content.


  • In order to reproduce artwork taken from another source, you will need to obtain and (probably) pay for permission. In the caption, you must include attribution. Make copies of all original, signed permissions as soon as you receive them, and forward them to your editor by the time your final draft is due.


Key Points

  • Please note that only high-quality and high-resolution images will be accepted.

  • To ensure your artwork (images) is evaluated before the final draft, we strongly encourage you to submit it to our editor.

  • If these are not final images, you can place them in Google Drive for viewing purposes, and then send the link to the editor. 


Final Images 

Unfortunately, we are unable to accept hard copies of work.

All images should be your own work and must be:

  • 300 dpi for a minimum final print size of approximately 20 cm x 30 cm (200 mm x 300 mm)

  • scanned at a minimum of 300 dpi (for photographs) and saved as a TIFF or high-resolution jpg and the final size should be approximately 250 x 200 mm

  • scanned at a minimum of 1200 dpi (for illustrations) and saved as a TIFF or high-resolution jpg and the final size should be approximately 250 x 200 mm

  • It is necessary for authors to provide final digital artwork in an uncompressed format.


In the event that you submit artwork (photos, drawings, maps, graphs, film stills, diagrams, etc.), include them in the main body of your article. Additionally, you are required to send images separately by zipping the images (please ensure that you name the files to correspond with the information in the article body).


If you need to send more than one email for a particular project, please make sure that the email subject is clearly and appropriately labelled, for example, “John Doe – Project Festival – part one”, “John Doe – Project Festival - part two”. 


If your images are too large or too many to add to your article, you can send them separately.

To do so follow these instructions: for each piece of artwork that should appear between paragraphs, insert a callout. Whenever a figure is to be placed, a callout tells the typesetter where to place it. A callout is not intended to appear in type, so it should be marked as a non-printing instruction.


Callout Example:

This is an example of a call out <image 1 appears here>.


File Types

We accept .tif, .jpg, .png, and .eps files.


Final Image Upload

You can use Google or WeTransfer to send final images.


Image Deliverables 

  • Label files properly 

  • Provide the following details: title, year, image dimensions

  • Important! Indicate copyright clearance (see above concerning permissions)

  • Provide your name, website(s) (if any), email address, phone number 


It is imperative to note that JFCIA's journal is styled according to its house style.






Festive Outfits
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