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The Journal of Festival Culture Inquiry and Analysis is archived and indexed by the following archiving and indexing services.

ISSN 2752-633X (Print)  ISSN 2752-6348 (Online)

British Library

The British Library is the national library of the United Kingdom. The ISSN UK Centre a department of the library issued the Journal of Festival Culture Inquiry and Analysis its ISSN numbers (online and print) on the 12th of May 2021.


The British Library's ISSN UK Centre has created a record of the journal in January 2023. Legal deposit at the British Library will ensure the preservation of all future publications.


Google Scholar

Scholarly literature across disciplines and sources can be searched using Google Scholar's free academic search engine. We use Google Scholar to archive our double-blind peer-reviewed articles. This ensures that research is accessible to the public, from anywhere in the world. It also helps us to quickly and easily track citations and measure the impact of our work.


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